by Graham Johnson | Aug 22, 2018 | HIV Cover, HIV Virus
For more than 20 years HIV life Insurance has been denied to HIV positive people or has been provided at dramatically inflated premiums. But in recent years, although people that are HIV positive get premiums quoted that are higher than a person not infected with the...
by Graham Johnson | Sep 25, 2011 | Health Insurance, HIV Cover
Millions of people around the world are HIV positive; they have contracted the virus either sexually through unprotected sex, via blood transfusion or using unsanitary needles to support a drug addiction. Children can contract HIV from their mothers, as well. The...
by Graham Johnson | Jul 20, 2011 | HIV Cover, HIV Virus
When you come across people in your daily life you do not have time to assess whether they’re HIV positive. People living with HIV/AIDS do not have a red flag on their heads signalling that they’re carrying a deadly virus. This means to say that there is no way of...
by Graham Johnson | Apr 12, 2011 | HIV Cover
Many HIV positive people are under the impression that getting life insurance when HIV positive is impossible. This is a myth and the fact is that the prevalence of HIV has led the insurance companies to design products that are specifically designed for HIV positive...
by Graham Johnson | Mar 16, 2011 | HIV Cover
Most applicatants for life Insurance that are HIV positive are terribly worried about the payout should they die from any Illness directly related to their HIV status and are reluctant to pay Life insurance premiums where the terms and conditions may result in non...