Most applicatants for life Insurance that are HIV positive are terribly worried about the payout should they die from any Illness directly related to their HIV status and are reluctant to pay Life insurance premiums where the terms and conditions may result in non payment of the claim upon their death.
We have simplified the terms and conditions laid out by Life Insurers who are offering HIV Life Insurance products. These are meant as a general guide to give you an idea of the terms and conditions but you are advised to check the specifics of your own policy to be exactly sure what the conditions are.
Every 6 months you will need to have a CD4 countYou may also be required to have a viral load test periodicallyYou are likely to be required to take ARV’s
The requirement for ARV’s is not going to apply to everyone but more likely for those whose CD4 count falls below the 200 cells/mm3 level.
These are reasonable requirements from the Insurance companies that are designed firstly to keep you healthy and to live longer. This is not purely a selfish attitude on the part of the HIV Life Insurance companies but is good for your own well being and quality of life. Life after all is meant to be lived!
You need to consider the impact of premium increases as your life cover will be loaded to some extent by the Insurance company in light of the fact that you are HIV positive, the difference being that it is now affordable for HIV positive people to get Life Insurance.
HIV Life Insurers have also included additional forms of cover and are offering Disability cover to HIV positive people as optional extra cover should you wish to cover disability.
This is one of the reasons the Insurance companies have had to design a Life product specifically for those carrying the HIV virus. The conditions that qualify for HIV disability payouts are different and have been detailed in the information available in the HIV specific disability claims.
Get yourself a Life Insurance quote, whether you are HIV positive or notand start catering for your families financial future in the event of your death. It is the responsible thing to do! Too often we see families endure extreme hardships after the death of a bread winner, get your quotes by completing the HIV Life cover request form to your right.
Life Cover quotes from One Million
Hi Topane, please send a mobile phone number so that we can call you.
im HIV positive and I need a life insurance, kindly assist.
Hi Irene, a consultant will be in touch shortly.