A comprehensive Hospital plan is available to HIV positive people which pays out up to R3000/day you are in hospital. This is a very important policy to consider as an HIV positive person.
Hospital plans are an essential part of your financial planning that will ensure that you and your family have options should you or any other member of your family require hospitalization for any reason whatsoever. Hospital plans allow you to choose the hospital or facility you wish to be treated in paying out a fixed daily amount for every day spent in hospital.
There is no substitute for quality healthcare!

My child has been diagnosed with HIV, now what?
For the purpose of this article, the writer has chosen to select the teen age group as the focus. Receiving the news that one’s child has been...
These HIV positive Life insurance policies do not require extensive medical assessments or tests, the fact is that people living with HIV live just as long as any other member of society.
Life Insurance Companies are now offering very affordable Life Insurance to HIV positive people and have designed products that offer both HIV Life Insurance and special disability cover for people Living with HIV.
The Best Life Insurance and Disability cover for HIV positive South African’s

Companies that offer HIV poistive people Life Insurance
Life insurance for HIV positive people needs to be viewed in context of the advancement in treatments and the life expectancy of an HIV positive person on anti retrovirals.
Most of the Large Insurance companies in SA and around the World offer Life insurance to HIV positive people and at HIV Cover, we offer you the ability to get a Life Insurance quote for yourself is you are HIV positive, or for a family member who is HIV positive.
Get the best HIV positive life insurance quote and the most affordable premiums.
Request an Insurance Quote if you are HIV positive >>

South Africa’s HIV stats
South Africa has the highest HIV infection rate in the world with 1 in 5 people infected with the HIV virus in the world, living in South Africa. This is an alarming number that needs to be taken under control. Here are some of the local numbers. What percentage of...

Gammora – A new HIV drug kills 99% of virus in 4 weeks
An innovative and very forward thinking Israeli company, Zion Medical has approached the destruction of the HIV virus in a totally different way and has seen extraordinary results in the first set of human trials. Within the first four weeks of treatment with this...